Worlds Critical Deadlines

Teams MUST notify the NorCal Association Director to confirm their participation.

Notify the NorCal Director if your team will or will not be attending World by March 12th. This does not require any down payment or registration fee.

Confirm my Participation!
  • Get your team registered ASAP! The system should allow you to register the day following our State Tournament. Plan to register by Wednesday if at all possible! This requires no down payment or registration fee. You do not need to have all of your information to register. You can continue to make adjustments in your registration up until the payment deadline.
  • If your team has a true financial need, be sure to apply for the COU housing grant as soon as possible. The deadline date is provided on the application.. You will need to have your team registered before you can apply, so be sure to get that done right away. These grants are only available for teams staying on campus. Teams staying off campus are not eligible. Be sure you have a strong, legitimate reason for needing the grant. Make a clear and detailed case for financial need, as many teams apply.
  • Order your California North State trading pins for World Finals. The order must be placed by April 6th. Please submit one order per team. If additional pins are needed you can arrange to receive some in person at World. Pins will be shipped directly to you the week before World Finals.
  • Order your additional California State Champion shirts by April 6th. Your t-shirts will be mailed directly to you.
  • Payment for your World Finals package is due NO LATER THAN April 22rd! This means payment must be RECEIVED at the National Office by this date! Purchase orders do not count as payment.  If you have difficulties getting payments processed in a timely manner through your school district, please contact the national office to alert them.
  • If you have team members who will be missing their graduation to attend World Finals, be sure to fill out the Graduation Registration form and send it in before April 22rd.
  • If your team is interested in being assigned an international buddy team, be sure to fill out the online application as soon as possible. You must be staying in the dorms to have a buddy team. Note that you will be housed near your buddy team, so most likely will not be near teams from your state.
  • If you plan to participate in the Coaches Competition (and I hope you do!) be sure to send in your registration by April 22rd.

If you are interested in representing California in the Banner or Float competitions, please let contact the California State Director  know as soon as possible.

Email: NorCal Director

Coaches & Teams
Judges & Volunteers
  • What to Expect at Check-in
    The check-in and staging areas can be Outside Assistance traps. To make sure you avoid these traps, here is a brief list of what to expect when your team checks in.
  • Time to Celebrate!
    Congratulations! You and your team did it! As you know by now, just getting your team to the tournament and overcoming all the challenges before, during and after competition is QUITE AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!
  • Tuesday Tip: Dress Rehearsal & Crisis Management
    A full Dress Rehearsal for families and friends might seem stressful but it has many benefits.