World Winner Packet

Congratulations! Let’s get to Worlds!

We have collected all the handy information you need to be prepared for World Finals. Many handouts were given to you in the World packet you received at the coaches’ meeting following awards. Some are specific to NorCal Association of California and others are from Odyssey HQ. All have been brought together for easy reference.

Getting There

Generic OM Fundraising Letter Worlds 

Packing list for OM worlds

World Forms/Sheets from HQ

Complete Coaches’ Packet

Teams can submit these forms through the Team Portal at before arriving on campus, which will speed up registration during World Finals. NOTE: We recommend you take printed copies with the team for backup.


Media Release 

Team Contract

Insurance Waiver

  • Have each team member fill out a Media Release, Medical Release, Liability Waiver, and ISU Health Service Medical form and have it signed by a parent/guardian. Provide a copy to your coach, and keep one with you!
  • Ship props between May 1 and May 17. Don’t forget to attach the shipping label to each separate shipping item/package. Include only items for one problem and division in each package. Must abide to container sizes.
  • Leave a list of all team members and chaperones’ names and any cell phone numbers with family members.
  • Pack clothes for recreational activities, such as a bathing suit, towel and tennis shoes.
  • Leave the emergency number with family members. In the event of an emergency at home, family members should call ISU Police at 515.294.4428.
  • Check on your props: go to
  • Bring extra pillows if needed (you’ll receive only one in residence housing) and universal plug-ins if coming from outside the US.

All forms + shipping label can be downloaded from HQ here:

Coaches & Teams
Judges & Volunteers
  • What to Expect at Check-in
    The check-in and staging areas can be Outside Assistance traps. To make sure you avoid these traps, here is a brief list of what to expect when your team checks in.
  • Time to Celebrate!
    Congratulations! You and your team did it! As you know by now, just getting your team to the tournament and overcoming all the challenges before, during and after competition is QUITE AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!
  • Tuesday Tip: Dress Rehearsal & Crisis Management
    A full Dress Rehearsal for families and friends might seem stressful but it has many benefits.