Campus Life Tips

World Finals Tips for Staying on Campus

  • Remember that you are staying in student dormitories! You should not expect the type of amenities available in a hotel. You will be sharing space with MANY other teams and you should be prepared for the experience. Think of it as camping indoors. ☺
  • The best part of staying in the dorms is the opportunity to meet teams from around the U.S. and the World! Take the time to meet others, invite them to eat meals with you, go to performances together, etc. Don’t just pin trade with them, but get to know them.
  • Remind your teams to be respectful of the other teams staying in the dorms with them. Noise can be a real problem, so be sure that everyone on your team is settled down and quiet by 10:00 pm each night so that teams with early performance times can get a good night’s sleep. If other teams are being too noisy, then notify the campus staff.
  • Bring and wear shower shoes/flip flops! Remember that the dorm bathrooms are shared with many other people. While the University will do their best to keep up with the cleaning, it’s still a good idea to be prepared. You will need to bring all personal items to and from the shower with you – a large zip loc bag works well. Bring travel size soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, etc.
  • The University provides linens and towels, but remember that they are the same quality provided for students and will all look identical. If you think you might have a problem keeping track of your towel, bring a colored one with you.  Pillows are nothing special, so if you have trouble sleeping on anything but your own pillow, bring it with you. Also, if you have allergies to laundry detergents, you might want to bring your own linens. It’s a good idea to bring a small flannel blanket as well for comfort.
  • Be responsible with your room key! It is very expensive to replace a lost key, so if you think you might lose yours, ask your coach or parent to hold onto it for you. Lock your room EVERY TIME you leave – even if you’re just going next door, down the hall, or to the restroom. Bring a lanyard that you can put your key on.
  • Pin trading is supposed to be fun and a great way to meet other kids. Parents and adults may trade also, but please be considerate and don’t try to talk anyone into a trade they are not comfortable with. Keep your pins in a safe place – a drawstring backpack is good idea to keep your pins with you at all times. You never know when a pin trading group could pop up, or you see THAT team from another country that you want to trade with! Label your backpack clearly with your name and state so if it gets lost your pins can hopefully be returned to you.
  • Meals are provided in the dorm cafeterias. There are usually many options for each meal, so you can usually find something you like. Only take as much food as you think you can eat. You can always go back for more if you’re still hungry. Try not to waste food – and pick up after yourself! Pay attention to the times when meals are served. The cafeterias will be closed before/after those times. Most campuses have other options for meals (fast food/coffee/snacks), but you will need your own money for them.
  • You will be given a wristband for the cafeteria/meal plan you are assigned to. DO NOT lose this wristband or you will have to get a replacement before being allowed to enter.
  • Be prepared to do A LOT of walking. Bring comfortable shoes and clothing. The campus is large and busses aren’t always available when you need them, so you will be walking from event to event.
  • Be prepared for all types of weather – pack layers! If you need a recommended packing list, contact the State Director.
  • Develop a tentative schedule for your team for the time at World Finals. Based on your performance times, schedule plenty of time for rebuilding/repairing props/scenery/costumes, practicing your performance, revving up spontaneous, visiting the creativity festival, and seeing other teams perform.
  • Be sure to follow all district guidelines and parent wishes for supervision of team members during World Finals. Be clear with parents and students before leaving for World Finals what expectations there are for student conduct on the trip, preferred contact numbers, health needs of students, dealing with emergencies, and processes for sending a child home, if needed. This is many students first experience traveling out of state, away from parents, etc. Be prepared! If you need a sample student conduct contract, contact the State Director. Have parents and students sign these before leaving for World Finals.

Packing list for OM worlds

Coaches & Teams
Judges & Volunteers
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