Solving spontaneous problems team members get to “think on their feet” and quickly “think outside of the box.” These problems are “TOP SECRET” and only […]
OMers, you deserve to be rewarded for your creativity, problem-solving skills, and dedication. We are thrilled to announce an increase in scholarships for high school seniors who have participated in Odyssey of the Mind! This year, COU is offering: Odyssey of the Mind Scholarships: What You Need to Know! WHO can apply?This program is open… Read more: NEW! COU Increases Scholarship Amounts
At this point, the tournament is quickly approaching and the team still needs to get major parts of their solution completed. Again, this is NORMAL. And with encouragement, the team CAN do it.
Happy New Year! Don’t be alarmed if it is January and your team still doesn’t have any costumes, any props, any other major parts of their solution completed This is NORMAL.