Beyond the


Good News! You Can Modify.



OMers working on their solution

Teams Right NOW

This is when teams are re-evaluating their solutions in light of their experiences at their Qualifying Tournament. And yes, you have the opportunity to make adjustments to your solution given what you learned. You are not limited to the props, set, costumes, script or even paperwork you presented during your first competition. So, now is the time to evaluate feedback you received at your QT, fine-tune and head for the finish line — with laughter. The final stretch brings it all together for your time to shine as a team.

What advancing teams are doing right now:

  • Reviewing the feedback from the Qualifying Tournament
  • Deciding if changes need to be made
  • PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE – run-throughs bring the pieces together
  • Making any changes that the team decided on and repairing items as needed
  • Building teamwork through Spontaneous practice problems. Have FUN with it!
  • Checking back to see how Style ideas are working and if any adjustments need to be made
  • Writing up that paperwork with any adjustments needed to be clear for the judges
  • Timing run-throughs and figuring out how to get the performance under 8 minutes
  • Packing that repair kit
  • Preparing for possible challenges that could happen or did happen at the Qualifying Tournament

Coach Tip

Don’t overdo it.

Your team has worked on their solution for many months. They have run through the performance many times. In the process, they make continual changes and adjustments. Then, the team finds its stride and starts running through the solution over and over. Which feels like a good place to be as a coach. In many cases it is! But sometimes things start to lose their energy and life.

Too many run-throughs can cause a team’s performance to become flat and mechanical. Don’t. Over. Do. Find that balance between fine-tuning and making the performance feel like a chore. Keep it lively and fun. Let the kids be silly sometimes. If they can’t get through a run-through because they are laughing too hard, it’s a good thing. Let that energy soar.

Spontaneous is no different. Running problems that the team finds hard or has run many times often causes teams to be flat inside that competition room at tournament. Focus on fun teamwork games. Make the problem goofy so there is much humor from the team members. Over doing can make a team feel like they are just going through the motions. Basically, the team needs to have fun. They are ready.

Laugh and enjoy the ride to the finish line.