Category: Tips

  • Tuesday Tip: Finishing Up Big Items

    Tuesday Tip: Finishing Up Big Items

    At this point, the tournament is quickly approaching and the team still needs to get major parts of their solution completed. Again, this is NORMAL. And with encouragement, the team CAN do it.

  • Tuesday Tip: Getting Back on Track

    Tuesday Tip: Getting Back on Track

    Happy New Year! Don’t be alarmed if it is January and your team still doesn’t have any costumes, any props, any other major parts of their solution completed This is NORMAL.

  • Tuesday Tip: Practice Spontaneous

    Tuesday Tip: Practice Spontaneous

    Because the Spontaneous problem is unknown until the day of the tournament, parents and coaches can share what they would do in practice problems without any penalty.

  • How to Prepare for Spontaneous Competition

    How to Prepare for Spontaneous Competition

    Now that we’re in the thick of the Odyssey Season, it’s time for a few timely reminders and some suggestions to help your team during Spontaneous practices as they prepare for Spontaneous competitions.

  • Tuesday Tip: Assiging Homework

    Tuesday Tip: Assiging Homework

    As we begin Winter Break, there’s still a lot on the team’s To Do list. You, as the coach, can assign homework or say something like, “We need some committed team members who can work on one or two of these items on the list before our next meeting.”

  • Tuesday Tip: Something Fun!

    Tuesday Tip: Something Fun!

    In previous tips, you’ve seen the reminder to end with something FUN. And by this point the team might be needing something more than a round of compliments. So here are some ideas of things to try.

  • Team Tip: Build Sessions

    Team Tip: Build Sessions

    Look at the list of things that need to be completed in order to solve the problem (if you created a list). Which of those things does the team think they can finish in a longer 3-4 hour session?

  • Team Tip: Performance

    Team Tip: Performance

    It would be considered Outside Assistance for the coach to direct the team’s performance. But the coach (or a parent volunteer) can give short stagecraft SKILLS lessons. 

  • Volunteering as a Tournament Judge or Official

    Volunteering as a Tournament Judge or Official

    One of the most important volunteer opportunities that OM has to offer is being a judge or an official. Officials are the faces of Odyssey of the Mind that teams will remember about their experience. So make it memorable and HAVE FUN as you get an insider’s view of OM teams and their creativity!

  • Team Tip: Style

    Team Tip: Style

    What is Style? Style is the team’s WOW factor! It’s what makes the team’s performance memorable to the judges and audience members.