Category: News
A Word From Spont Problem Capt.
Virtual Verbals? Time for a New Mindset! If you are new to Odyssey, new is the name of the game. If you’ve participated in Odyssey before, you and your team are used to the format typically used to solve verbal problems during spontaneous competitions: Although working as a team, in reality during an “in person”…
January Newsletter 2021
Word from the Association Director Happy New Year All! It’s 2021 and that can only mean one thing…Odyssey of the Mind tournament season is almost here! Coaches are trained and coaching…Teams are building, creating, building again … again… and again…NOW judges are registering and getting trained and filled with excitement for the new solutions that…
2021 Last Coach Training Webinar
Get Started – It’s not too late.Coach Webinar Training Tuesday. Hello OM Coach, I hope that this message finds you all healthy and safe during these challenging times. Here are a couple of important updates relating to Odyssey of the Mind for the 2020-21 season. Coaches training is wrapping up! Don’t miss out! All coach training is being…
November Newsletter 2020
Word from the AD The 2020-2021 season of creativity is in full swing! Lots of amazing things are happening all over northern California in garages, on kitchen tables, in the middle of the family room….everywhere! We can’t wait to see what all the amazing Omers are developing RIGHT NOW! Unfortunately we will not get to…
NorCal Coach Training for the 2020-21 Season
It’s time!NorCal Coach Training for the 2020-21 Season. Welcome NorCal Odyssey Coach! The 2020-2021 season looks to be filled with lots of new and exciting firsts but also filled with much tradition and creativity. Thank you for volunteering as an Odyssey of the Mind Coach. You have volunteered to take an amazing journey as a…
September Newsletter 2020
NorCal Odyssey of the Mind Covid-19 Update Our philosophy as an organization is to approach the current situation with empathy and urgency. NorCal Odyssey’s top priority is the health and safety of our students, volunteers, families, schools and community organizations that participate in Odyssey of the Mind in California North. Odyssey of the Mind Headquarters…
Exciting NEWS about the 2020-21 Season
The new season of Odyssey of the Mind is HERE! We are very excited to provide all of our NorCal OMers the opportunity to participate in Odyssey of the Mind for the 20-21 season while following all school district and state mandates for social distancing and safety. Checkout the new options and resources below that…