Beyond the
news, tips & activities
Oodles of Beyond the Box thinking, all collected into one handy blog!
Welcome to the 2024-2025 Odyssey of the Mind season. If you’re new to Odyssey, you may have reviewed our problem synopses and wondered, how do I participate?
Your Mission, should you choose to accept it, is to join our team of Odyssey organizers to help students at your school find coaches, organize teams, provide judges, and receive pertinent information.
If you are a NEW Coach, you do not have to wait until after you attend a live Coach Training to get started on your journey called Odyssey of the Mind.
All of us at NorCal Odyssey of the Mind are looking forward to the 2024-2025 season. We can’t wait to see your one-of-a-kind solutions and smiling faces.
We are thrilled to honor Lisa, an Odyssey of the Mind volunteer who has been a part of Odyssey of the Mind for over 40 years.
We are thrilled to honor Linda, an Odyssey of the Mind volunteer who has been making a big difference behind the scenes for NorCal students.
Every year Odyssey HQ releases new problems that touch on six different areas. Which one will you solve?
Thank you for all your hard work representing Northern California! We’re proud of you all!
We share some sad news. Dr. Sam, the founder of Odyssey of the Mind, has passed. We remember him with a warm heart and the memories that are created in Odyssey.
Approximately ⅓ of your final calculated score is based on Spontaneous. Practice, practice, practice…AND…Have fun realizing that on-the-spot creativity can be helped along with advanced prep!