Steps to State

OMERs trading pins

What Happens on the Way to the NorCal State Tournament?

Step 1:

The first step toward participating in the State Competition is to participate in one Qualifying Tournament.  Based on the advancement guidelines, the top teams from each Qualifying Tournament will be invited to compete at the State Association level.

If you are invited to advance, congratulations! Your team is registered! Teams are advanced to the state tournament automatically.  If your team is unable to attend, and will NOT attend, please notify the Events Director.

Contact the Events Director

Step 2:

Each team’s volunteer judge will advance with the team to the next level of competition. This information was shared at coach training and judge training.  No additional training is required, and your judge will automatically be registered for the state tournament. Please notify our Officials Director as soon as possible if your judge cannot attend.

Contact the Officials Director

Step 3:

Order state pins. Pin trading is the rage! Individual team members trade pins with other team members from across NorCal at the State Tournament. Team members will trade their special state pins, purchased through the state website, with other team members that have different pins from the set so that they can collect them all. Don’t miss out on this tradition of meeting other teams from NorCal and trading pins!

Step 4:

Each team will need a 2-hour volunteer to assist at the tournament.  Your team’s volunteer needs to be signed up no later than 2 days after the schedule is posted. A link to sign up will be posted soon!

Coaches & Teams
Judges & Volunteers
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